Effective Mistake-Proofing in Healthcare:
Principles and Techniques for Sustained Improvement
Thursday June 13th at 1PM Eastern.
Mistake-Proofing (or Poka Yoke) prevents mistakes from being made or makes the mistake obvious at a glance, so that corrective action can be taken before a patient is harmed. It’s a common sense approach tocreate low-cost, effective design changes that reduce errors.
Brian Nass has worked in quality and continuous improvement for over 20 years. He held several leadership positions at Mayo Clinic in Rochester including Executive Director of Continuous Improvement and COO of Lab Services. Most recently as VP, Performance Improvement at Mission Health System in North Carolina.
Learn techniques for eliminating defects, improving quality and streamlining work.
Brian will discuss mistake-proofing within the specific context of healthcare; however, this webinar is not specific to only the healthcare industry. Many examples and references will come from healthcare, however this webinar will benefit managers from all industries who want to better understand the widespread application of mistake-proofing. Join Us!