Thomas Edison once said, “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.”
Time is always a challenge. Especially, for managers faced with the task of transforming their organization. It requires a lot of work and time to establish an effective lean transformation, but the benefits are well worth it, resulting in significant returns on investment.
Our new program designed to free up management time by understanding executive priorities and analyzing management activities, creating Standard Leadership Roles, kicked off last week at Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and the reviews are raving!
“Thanks so much for the fabulous two days! I walked away Friday feeling on top of the world and so too did our team of 12 from Sunrise. “
“With amazing stuff like this on the horizon…I wouldn’t miss this for anything” -Christina Denysek, Sunrise Health Region
This program will result in more time for management and leadership to work on continuous improvement, strategic direction, Hoshin priorities, training, enabling and even controlled firefighting. This makes a significant difference in management productivity and they will also experience less stress!
To learn more the Lean Advisors’ Management Capacity program, click here.
Lean Advisors employs senior consultants who are veterans in the industries they serve. To learn more about how we can help you make your organization everything that it can be, Contact Us or Call 1-877-778-6413.