Mobilizing Our Ingenuity Through Good Management.
In this video, Mike Rother shares valuable insights into the importance of ‘structured’ change methodology, called Kata.
At Lean Advisors, we believe Kata is the next major critical concept organizations need to grasp in order to create a sustainable transformation. Mike has uncovered, through his research with U of Michigan another important piece of the puzzle necessary for success and taking your team to the next level of competitiveness
Message from Larry Cote, President, Lean Advisors Inc.
I recently came across this video of Mike Rother who spoke at the Lean Summit in 2012. I had the privilege to work with Mike back when Lean was just gaining interest in the mid 90s.
At that time, much of Mike’s research and efforts were focused on Toyota and the primary transformational tool known as Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
His work on VSM was ground breaking and gave us the method for analyzing processes properly.
Mike has become one of the world’s leading experts on Lean .
We wanted to share this with our online community.